
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 #ifndef __LEMGA_SVM_H__
00003 #define __LEMGA_SVM_H__
00011 #include "learnmodel.h"
00012 #include "kernel.h"
00014 namespace lemga {
00017 struct SVM_detail;
00019 class SVM : public LearnModel {
00020 private:
00021     SVM_detail *detail;
00022     kernel::Kernel *ker;
00023     // Why not var_shared_ptr? because kernel is not meant to be shared
00024     REAL regC;              // regularization parameter C
00025     std::vector<Input> sv;  // support vectors
00026     std::vector<REAL> coef; // @f$y_i\alpha_i@f$
00027     REAL coef0;             // the bias
00029 public:
00030     explicit SVM (UINT n_in = 0);
00031     explicit SVM (const kernel::Kernel&, UINT n_in = 0);
00032     SVM (const SVM&);
00033     explicit SVM (std::istream&);
00034     virtual ~SVM ();
00035     const SVM& operator= (const SVM&);
00037     virtual const id_t& id () const;
00038     virtual SVM* create () const { return new SVM(); }
00039     virtual SVM* clone () const { return new SVM(*this); }
00041     REAL C () const { return regC; }
00042     void set_C (REAL c) { regC = c; }
00043     UINT n_support_vectors () const { return sv.size(); }
00044     const Input& support_vector (UINT i) const { return sv[i]; }
00046     REAL support_vector_coef (UINT i) const { return coef[i]; }
00047     REAL bias () const { return coef0; }
00048     const kernel::Kernel& kernel () const { return *ker; }
00049     REAL kernel (const Input&, const Input&) const;
00050     void set_kernel (const kernel::Kernel&);
00052     virtual bool support_weighted_data () const { return true; }
00053     virtual void initialize ();
00054     virtual void train ();
00056     virtual Output operator() (const Input&) const;
00057     virtual REAL margin_norm () const { return w_norm(); }
00058     virtual REAL margin_of (const Input&, const Output&) const;
00059     REAL w_norm () const;
00061 protected:
00064     REAL signed_margin (const Input&) const;
00065     void reset_model ();
00066     virtual bool serialize (std::ostream&, ver_list&) const;
00067     virtual bool unserialize (std::istream&, ver_list&, const id_t& = NIL_ID);
00068 };
00070 } // namespace lemga
00072 #ifdef  __SVM_H__
00073 #warning "This header file may conflict with another `svm.h' file."
00074 #endif
00075 #define __SVM_H__
00076 #endif

Generated on Wed Nov 8 08:15:22 2006 for LEMGA by  doxygen 1.4.6