
Go to the documentation of this file.
00005 // "Fixed bias" means we still use the bias term, but do not change it.
00006 // This is to simulate a perceptron without the bias term. An alternative
00007 // is to modify the dset_distract (for RCD) and those update rules (for
00008 // other algorithms) to not add "1" to input vectors. Although this approach
00009 // is simpler (to implement), it causes extra troubles with saving/loading
00010 // or importing from SVM.
00012 #define STUMP_DOUBLE_DIRECTIONS    0
00014 #include <assert.h>
00015 #include <cmath>
00016 #include <numeric>
00017 #include "random.h"
00018 #include "utility.h"
00019 #include "stump.h"
00020 #include "perceptron.h"
00022 REGISTER_CREATOR(lemga::Perceptron);
00024 typedef std::vector<REAL> RVEC;
00025 typedef std::vector<RVEC> RMAT;
00027 #define DOTPROD(x,y) std::inner_product(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), .0)
00028 // The version without bias
00029 #define DOTPROD_NB(x,y) std::inner_product(x.begin(),x.end()-1,y.begin(),.0)
00031 inline RVEC randvec (UINT n) {
00032     RVEC x(n);
00033     for (UINT i = 0; i < n; ++i)
00034         x[i] = 2*randu() - 1;
00035     return x;
00036 }
00038 inline RVEC coorvec (UINT n, UINT c) {
00039     RVEC x(n, 0);
00040     x[c] = 1;
00041     return x;
00042 }
00044 inline void normalize (RVEC& v, REAL thr = 0) {
00045     REAL s = DOTPROD(v, v);
00046     assert(s > 0);
00047     if (s <= thr) return;
00048     s = 1 / std::sqrt(s);
00049     for (RVEC::iterator p = v.begin(); p != v.end(); ++p)
00050         *p *= s;
00051 }
00053 RMAT randrot (UINT n, bool bias_row = false, bool conjugate = true) {
00054     RMAT m(n);
00055     if (bias_row)
00056         m.back() = coorvec(n, n-1);
00058     for (UINT i = 0; i+bias_row < n; ++i) {
00059         m[i] = randvec(n);
00060         if (bias_row) m[i][n-1] = 0;
00061         if (!conjugate) continue;
00063         // make m[i] independent
00064         for (UINT k = 0; k < i; ++k) {
00065             REAL t = DOTPROD(m[i], m[k]);
00066             for (UINT j = 0; j < n; ++j)
00067                 m[i][j] -= t * m[k][j];
00068         }
00069         // normalize m[i]
00070         normalize(m[i]);
00071     }
00072     return m;
00073 }
00075 namespace lemga {
00079 void update_wgt (RVEC& wgt, const RVEC& dir, const RMAT& X, const RVEC& y) {
00080     const UINT dim = wgt.size();
00081     assert(dim == dir.size());
00082     const UINT n_samples = X.size();
00083     assert(n_samples == y.size());
00085     RVEC xn(n_samples), yn(n_samples);
00087     REAL bias = 0;
00088 #endif
00089     for (UINT i = 0; i < n_samples; ++i) {
00090         assert(X[i].size() == dim);
00091         const REAL x_d = DOTPROD(X[i], dir);
00092         REAL x_new = 0, y_new = 0;
00093         if (x_d != 0) {
00094             y_new = (x_d > 0)? y[i] : -y[i];
00095             REAL x_w = DOTPROD(X[i], wgt);
00096             x_new = x_w / x_d;
00097         }
00099         else
00100             bias += (DOTPROD(X[i], wgt) > 0)? y[i] : -y[i];
00101 #endif
00102         xn[i] = x_new; yn[i] = y_new;
00103     }
00106     REAL th1, th2;
00107     bool ir, pos;
00108     Stump::train_1d(xn, yn, bias, ir, pos, th1, th2);
00109     const REAL w_d_new = -(th1 + th2) / 2;
00110 #else
00111     const REAL w_d_new = - Stump::train_1d(xn, yn);
00112 #endif
00114     for (UINT j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
00115         wgt[j] += w_d_new * dir[j];
00118     if (!pos)
00119         for (UINT j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
00120             wgt[j] = -wgt[j];
00121 #endif
00123     // use a big threshold to reduce the # of normalization
00124     normalize(wgt, 1e10);
00125 }
00127 void dset_extract (const pDataSet& ptd, RMAT& X, RVEC& y) {
00128     UINT n = ptd->size();
00129     X.resize(n); y.resize(n);
00130     for (UINT i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
00131         X[i] = ptd->x(i);
00132         X[i].push_back(1);
00133         y[i] = ptd->y(i)[0];
00134     }
00135 }
00137 inline void dset_mult_wgt (const pDataWgt& ptw, RVEC& y) {
00138     UINT n = y.size();
00139     assert(ptw->size() == n);
00140     for (UINT i = 0; i < n; ++i)
00141         y[i] *= (*ptw)[i];
00142 }
00144 Perceptron::Perceptron (UINT n_in)
00145     : LearnModel(n_in, 1), wgt(n_in+1,0), resample(0),
00146       train_method(RCD_BIAS), learn_rate(0.002), min_cst(0),
00147       max_run(1000), with_fld(false), fixed_bias(false)
00148 {
00149 }
00151 Perceptron::Perceptron (const SVM& s)
00152     : LearnModel(s), wgt(_n_in+1,0), resample(0),
00153       train_method(RCD_BIAS), learn_rate(0.002), min_cst(0),
00154       max_run(1000), with_fld(false), fixed_bias(false)
00155 {
00156     assert(s.kernel().id() == kernel::Linear().id());
00158     const UINT nsv = s.n_support_vectors();
00159     for (UINT i = 0; i < nsv; ++i) {
00160         const Input sv = s.support_vector(i);
00161         const REAL coef = s.support_vector_coef(i);
00162         assert(sv.size() == _n_in);
00163         for (UINT k = 0; k < _n_in; ++k)
00164             wgt[k] += coef * sv[k];
00165     }
00166     wgt.back() = s.bias();
00167 }
00169 bool Perceptron::serialize (std::ostream& os, ver_list& vl) const {
00170     SERIALIZE_PARENT(LearnModel, os, vl, 1);
00171     for (UINT i = 0; i <= _n_in; ++i)
00172         if (!(os << wgt[i] << ' ')) return false;
00173     return (os << '\n');
00174 }
00176 bool Perceptron::unserialize (std::istream& is, ver_list& vl, const id_t& d) {
00177     if (d != id() && d != NIL_ID) return false;
00178     UNSERIALIZE_PARENT(LearnModel, is, vl, 1, v);
00180     wgt.resize(_n_in+1);
00181     for (UINT i = 0; i <= _n_in; ++i)
00182         if (!(is >> wgt[i])) return false;
00183     return true;
00184 }
00186 void Perceptron::set_weight (const WEIGHT& w) {
00187     assert(w.size() > 1);
00188     set_dimensions(w.size()-1, 1);
00189     wgt = w;
00190 }
00192 void Perceptron::initialize () {
00193     if (ptd != 0) set_dimensions(*ptd);
00194     assert(_n_in > 0);
00195     wgt.resize(_n_in + 1);
00196     for (UINT i = 0; i < _n_in + (fixed_bias? 0:1); ++i)
00197         wgt[i] = randu() * 0.1 - 0.05; // small random numbers
00198 }
00200 Perceptron::WEIGHT Perceptron::fld () const {
00201     assert(ptd != 0 && ptw != 0);
00203     // get the mean
00204     Input m1(_n_in, 0), m2(_n_in, 0);
00205     REAL w1 = 0, w2 = 0;
00206     for (UINT i = 0; i < n_samples; ++i) {
00207         const Input& x = ptd->x(i);
00208         REAL y = ptd->y(i)[0];
00209         REAL w = (*ptw)[i];
00211         if (y > 0) {
00212             w1 += w;
00213             for (UINT k = 0; k < _n_in; ++k)
00214                 m1[k] += w * x[k];
00215         } else {
00216             w2 += w;
00217             for (UINT k = 0; k < _n_in; ++k)
00218                 m2[k] += w * x[k];
00219         }
00220     }
00221     assert(w1 > 0 && w2 > 0 && std::fabs(w1+w2-1) < EPSILON);
00222     for (UINT k = 0; k < _n_in; ++k) {
00223         m1[k] /= w1; m2[k] /= w2;
00224     }
00226     // get the covariance
00227     RMAT A(_n_in, RVEC(_n_in, 0));
00228     RVEC diff(_n_in);
00229     for (UINT i = 0; i < n_samples; ++i) {
00230         const Input& x = ptd->x(i);
00231         REAL y = ptd->y(i)[0];
00232         REAL w = (*ptw)[i];
00234         if (y > 0)
00235             for (UINT k = 0; k < _n_in; ++k)
00236                 diff[k] = x[k] - m1[k];
00237         else
00238             for (UINT k = 0; k < _n_in; ++k)
00239                 diff[k] = x[k] - m2[k];
00240         // we only need the upper triangular part
00241         for (UINT j = 0; j < _n_in; ++j)
00242             for (UINT k = j; k < _n_in; ++k)
00243                 A[j][k] += w * diff[j] * diff[k];
00244     }
00246     for (UINT k = 0; k < _n_in; ++k)
00247         diff[k] = m1[k] - m2[k];
00249     RVEC w;
00250     bool not_reg = true;
00251     while (!ldivide(A, diff, w)) {
00252         assert(not_reg); not_reg = false; // should only happen once
00253         REAL tr = 0;
00254         for (UINT j = 0; j < _n_in; ++j)
00255             tr += A[j][j];
00256         const REAL gamma = 1e-10; // see [Friedman 1989]
00257         const REAL adj = gamma/(1-gamma) * tr/_n_in;
00258         for (UINT j = 0; j < _n_in; ++j)
00259             A[j][j] += adj;
00261         std::cerr << "LDA: The class covariance matrix estimate is "
00262             "regularized by\n\tan eigenvalue shinkage parameter "
00263                   << gamma << '\n';
00264 #endif
00265     }
00267     w.push_back(- (DOTPROD(m1,w) * w2 + DOTPROD(m2,w) * w1));
00268     return w;
00269 }
00271 inline UINT randcdf (REAL r, const RVEC& cdf) {
00272     UINT b = 0, e = cdf.size()-1;
00273     while (b+1 < e) {
00274         UINT m = (b + e) / 2;
00275         if (r < cdf[m]) e = m;
00276         else b = m;
00277     }
00278     return b;
00279 }
00281 void Perceptron::train () {
00282     assert(ptd != 0 && ptw != 0 && ptd->size() == n_samples);
00283     set_dimensions(*ptd);
00284     const UINT dim = _n_in+1;
00285     // but what is updated might be of a smaller size
00286     const UINT udim = _n_in + (fixed_bias? 0:1);
00288     RVEC cdf;
00289     if (resample) {
00290         cdf.resize(n_samples+1);
00291         cdf[0] = 0;
00292         for (UINT i = 0; i < n_samples; ++i)
00293             cdf[i+1] = cdf[i] + (*ptw)[i];
00294         assert(cdf[n_samples]-1 > -EPSILON && cdf[n_samples]-1 < EPSILON);
00295     }
00297     wgt.resize(dim);
00298     const REAL bias_save = wgt.back();
00299     if (with_fld) wgt = fld();
00300     if (fixed_bias)
00301         wgt.back() = bias_save;
00303     RMAT X; RVEC Y;
00304     dset_extract(ptd, X, Y);
00306 #define RAND_IDX() (resample? randcdf(randu(),cdf) : UINT(randu()*n_samples))
00307 #define SAMPWGT(i) (resample? 1 : (*ptw)[i]*n_samples)
00308 #define GET_XYO(i)         \
00309     const Input& x = X[i]; \
00310     const REAL y = Y[i];   \
00311     const REAL o = DOTPROD(wgt,x)
00313     log_error(0);
00314     switch (train_method) {
00315     case PERCEPTRON:
00316     case ADALINE:
00317         for (UINT i = 0; i < max_run; ++i) {
00318             for (UINT j = 0; j < n_samples; ++j) {
00319                 const UINT idx = RAND_IDX();
00320                 GET_XYO(idx);
00321                 if (y * o > 0) continue;
00322                 REAL deriv = (train_method == PERCEPTRON? y : (y - o));
00323                 REAL adj = learn_rate * SAMPWGT(idx) * deriv;
00325                 for (UINT k = 0; k < udim; ++k)
00326                     wgt[k] += adj * x[k];
00327             }
00328             log_error(i+1);
00329         }
00330         break;
00332     case POCKET_RATCHET:
00333     case POCKET: {
00334         bool ratchet = (train_method == POCKET_RATCHET);
00335         RVEC best_w(wgt);
00336         REAL run = 0, err = train_c_error();
00337         bool err_valid = true;
00338         REAL best_run = run, best_err = err;
00339         for (UINT i = 0; i < max_run; ++i) {
00340             for (UINT j = 0; j < n_samples; ++j) {
00341                 const UINT idx = RAND_IDX();
00342                 GET_XYO(idx);
00344                 if (y * o > 0) {
00345                     run += SAMPWGT(idx);
00346                     if (run > best_run) {
00347                         if (!err_valid) err = train_c_error();
00348                         err_valid = true;
00349                         if (!ratchet || err < best_err) {
00350                             best_run = run;
00351                             best_err = err;
00352                             best_w = wgt;
00353                         }
00354                         if (err <= 0) break;
00355                     }
00356                 } else {
00357                     run = 0;
00358                     err_valid = false;
00360                     const REAL adj = SAMPWGT(idx) * y;
00361                     for (UINT k = 0; k < udim; ++k)
00362                         wgt[k] += adj * x[k];
00363                 }
00364             }
00365             wgt.swap(best_w); log_error(i+1, best_err); wgt.swap(best_w);
00366         }
00367         wgt.swap(best_w);
00368     }
00369         break;
00371     case AVE_PERCEPTRON_RAND:
00372     case AVE_PERCEPTRON: {
00373         assert(train_method != AVE_PERCEPTRON || !resample);
00374         RVEC ave_wgt(dim, 0);
00375         REAL run = 0;
00376         for (UINT i = 0; i < max_run; ++i) {
00377             for (UINT j = 0; j < n_samples; ++j) {
00378                 const UINT idx = (train_method == AVE_PERCEPTRON)?
00379                     j : RAND_IDX();
00380                 GET_XYO(idx);
00381                 if (y * o > 0)
00382                     run += SAMPWGT(idx);
00383                 else {
00384                     for (UINT k = 0; k < dim; ++k)
00385                         ave_wgt[k] += run * wgt[k];
00387                     const REAL adj = SAMPWGT(idx) * y;
00388                     for (UINT k = 0; k < udim; ++k)
00389                         wgt[k] += adj * x[k];
00390                     run = SAMPWGT(idx);
00391                 }
00392             }
00393             RVEC tmp_wgt(ave_wgt);
00394             for (UINT k = 0; k < dim; ++k)
00395                 tmp_wgt[k] += run * wgt[k];
00396             wgt.swap(tmp_wgt); log_error(i+1); wgt.swap(tmp_wgt);
00397         }
00398         for (UINT k = 0; k < dim; ++k)
00399             wgt[k] = ave_wgt[k] + run * wgt[k];
00400     }
00401         break;
00403     case ROMMA_AGG_RAND:
00404     case ROMMA_AGG:
00405     case ROMMA_RAND:
00406     case ROMMA: {
00407         bool fixed = (train_method == ROMMA || train_method == ROMMA_AGG);
00408         assert(!fixed || !resample);
00409         REAL bnd = (train_method == ROMMA || train_method == ROMMA_RAND)?
00410             0 : (1-EPSILON);
00411         for (UINT i = 0; i < max_run; ++i) {
00412             for (UINT j = 0; j < n_samples; ++j) {
00413                 const UINT idx = fixed? j : RAND_IDX();
00414                 GET_XYO(idx); const REAL& w_x = o;
00415                 if (y * w_x > bnd) continue;
00417                 REAL w_w = DOTPROD(wgt, wgt);
00418                 REAL x_x = 1 + DOTPROD(x, x);
00419                 REAL x2w2 = x_x * w_w;
00420                 REAL deno = x2w2 - w_x*w_x;
00421                 REAL c = (x2w2 - y*w_x) / deno;
00422                 REAL d = w_w * (y - w_x) / deno;
00424                 wgt[0] = c*wgt[0] + d;
00425                 for (UINT k = 0; k < _n_in; ++k)
00426                     wgt[k+1] = c*wgt[k+1] + d*x[k];
00427             }
00428             log_error(i+1);
00429         }
00430     }
00431         break;
00433     case SGD_HINGE:
00434     case SGD_MLSE: {
00435         const REAL C = 0; // C is lambda
00437         for (UINT i = 0; i < max_run; ++i) {
00438             for (UINT j = 0; j < n_samples; ++j) {
00439                 const UINT idx = RAND_IDX();
00440                 GET_XYO(idx);
00442                 if (y*o < 1) {
00443                     REAL shrink = 1 - C * learn_rate;
00444                     REAL deriv = (train_method == SGD_HINGE? y : (y - o));
00445                     REAL adj = learn_rate * SAMPWGT(idx) * deriv;
00446                     for (UINT k = 0; k < udim; ++k)
00447                         wgt[k] = shrink * wgt[k] + adj * x[k];
00448                 }
00449             }
00450             log_error(i+1);
00451         }
00452     }
00453         break;
00455 #undef RAND_IDX
00456 #undef SAMPWGT
00457 #define CYCLE(r)  (((r)+dim-1) % udim)
00458 #define UPDATE_WGT(d) update_wgt(wgt, d, X, Y)
00459 #define INIT_RCD() {                      \
00460     dset_mult_wgt(ptw, Y);                \
00461 }
00463     case COORDINATE_DESCENT: {
00464         INIT_RCD();
00465         for (UINT r = 0; r < max_run; ++r) {
00466             UPDATE_WGT(coorvec(dim, CYCLE(r)));
00467             log_error(r+1);
00468         }
00469     }
00470         break;
00472     case FIXED_RCD:
00473     case FIXED_RCD_CONJ:
00474     case FIXED_RCD_BIAS:
00475     case FIXED_RCD_CONJ_BIAS: {
00476         bool bias_row = (train_method == FIXED_RCD_BIAS ||
00477                          train_method == FIXED_RCD_CONJ_BIAS);
00478         bool conjugate = (train_method == FIXED_RCD_CONJ ||
00479                           train_method == FIXED_RCD_CONJ_BIAS);
00480         RMAT A = randrot(dim, bias_row || fixed_bias, conjugate);
00482         INIT_RCD();
00483         for (UINT r = 0; r < max_run; ++r) {
00484             UPDATE_WGT(A[CYCLE(r)]);
00485             log_error(r+1);
00486         }
00487     }
00488         break;
00490     case RCD:
00491     case RCD_CONJ:
00492     case RCD_BIAS:
00493     case RCD_CONJ_BIAS: {
00494         bool bias_row = (train_method == RCD_BIAS ||
00495                          train_method == RCD_CONJ_BIAS);
00496         bool conjugate = (train_method == RCD_CONJ ||
00497                           train_method == RCD_CONJ_BIAS);
00498         RMAT A;
00500         INIT_RCD();
00501         for (UINT r = 0; r < max_run; ++r) {
00502             const UINT c = CYCLE(r);
00503             if (c == CYCLE(0))
00504                 A = randrot(dim, bias_row || fixed_bias, conjugate);
00505             UPDATE_WGT(A[c]);
00506             log_error(r+1);
00507         }
00508     }
00509         break;
00511     case RCD_GRAD_BATCH_RAND:
00512     case RCD_GRAD_BATCH:
00513     case RCD_GRAD_RAND:
00514     case RCD_GRAD: {
00515         bool online = (train_method == RCD_GRAD ||
00516                        train_method == RCD_GRAD_RAND);
00517         bool wrand = (train_method == RCD_GRAD_RAND ||
00518                       train_method == RCD_GRAD_BATCH_RAND);
00519         // gradient of sum weight*y*<w,x> over all unsatisfied examples
00520         INIT_RCD();
00521         for (UINT r = 0; r < max_run; ++r) {
00522             RVEC dir(dim, 0);
00523             if (r % 5 == 0 && wrand) {
00524                 dir = randvec(dim);
00525             } else if (online) {
00526                 UINT idx, cnt = 0;
00527                 REAL o;
00528                 do {
00529                     ++cnt;
00530                     idx = UINT(randu() * n_samples);
00531                     o = DOTPROD(wgt, X[idx]);
00532                 } while (Y[idx] * o > 0 && cnt < 2*n_samples);
00533                 // if we've tried too many times, just use any X
00534                 dir = X[idx];
00535             } else {
00536                 bool no_err = true;
00537                 for (UINT j = 0; j < n_samples; ++j) {
00538                     GET_XYO(j);
00539                     if (y * o > 0) continue;
00540                     no_err = false;
00541                     for (UINT k = 0; k < udim; ++k)
00542                         dir[k] += y * x[k];
00543                 }
00544                 if (no_err) break;
00545             }
00547             if (fixed_bias)
00548                 dir.back() = 0;
00549             UPDATE_WGT(dir);
00550             log_error(r+1);
00551         }
00552     }
00553         break;
00556     case RCD_GRAD_MIXED_BATCH:
00558     case RCD_GRAD_MIXED: {
00559         bool online = (train_method == RCD_GRAD_MIXED ||
00560                        train_method == RCD_GRAD_MIXED_INITRAND);
00561         bool init_rand = (train_method == RCD_GRAD_MIXED_INITRAND ||
00562                           train_method == RCD_GRAD_MIXED_BATCH_INITRAND);
00564         INIT_RCD();
00565         for (UINT r = 0; r < max_run; ++r) {
00566             RVEC dir(dim, 0);
00567             if (init_rand)
00568                 dir = randvec(dim);
00569             UINT cnt = 0;
00571             for (UINT j = 0; j < n_samples; ++j) {
00572                 UINT idx = (online? UINT(randu() * n_samples) : j);
00573                 GET_XYO(idx);
00574                 if (y * o > 0) continue;
00575                 ++cnt;
00576                 REAL adj = y*n_samples * randu();
00577                 for (UINT k = 0; k < udim; ++k)
00578                     dir[k] += adj * x[k];
00579             }
00580             //if (cnt == 0 && !online) break;
00582             if (cnt == 0 && !init_rand)
00583                 dir = randvec(dim);
00584             if (fixed_bias)
00585                 dir.back() = 0;
00586             UPDATE_WGT(dir);
00587             log_error(r+1);
00588         }
00589     }
00590         break;
00592     case RCD_MIXED: {
00593         INIT_RCD();
00594         RMAT A;
00595         for (UINT r = 0; r < max_run; ++r) {
00596             UINT c = r % (2*udim);
00597             RVEC dir;
00598             if (c < udim)
00599                 dir = coorvec(dim, CYCLE(c));
00600             else {
00601                 if (c == udim) A = randrot(dim, fixed_bias, false);
00602                 dir = A[c-udim]; // CYCLE doesn't change anything
00603             }
00604             UPDATE_WGT(dir);
00605             log_error(r+1);
00606         }
00607     }
00608         break;
00610     default:
00611         assert(false);
00612     }
00614     assert(!fixed_bias || train_method == AVE_PERCEPTRON_RAND ||
00615            train_method == AVE_PERCEPTRON || wgt.back() == bias_save);
00616 }
00618 #define INPUT_SUM(w,x)  \
00619     std::inner_product(x.begin(), x.end(), w.begin(), w.back())
00621 Output Perceptron::operator() (const Input& x) const {
00622     assert(x.size() == n_input());
00623     REAL sum = INPUT_SUM(wgt, x);
00624     return Output(1, (sum>=0)? 1 : -1);
00625 }
00627 REAL Perceptron::margin_of (const Input& x, const Output& y) const {
00628     assert(std::fabs(std::fabs(y[0]) - 1) < INFINITESIMAL);
00629     return INPUT_SUM(wgt, x) * y[0];
00630 }
00632 REAL Perceptron::w_norm () const {
00633     REAL s = DOTPROD_NB(wgt, wgt);
00634     return std::sqrt(s);
00635 }
00637 void Perceptron::log_error (UINT, REAL err) const {
00638     if (logf != NULL) {
00639         if (err < 0) err = train_c_error();
00640         fprintf(logf, "%g ", err);
00641     }
00642 }
00644 } // namespace lemga

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