LEMGA File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
adaboost.cpp [code]
adaboost.h [code]Declare AdaBoost class
adaboost_ecoc.cpp [code]
adaboost_ecoc.h [code]Declare AdaBoost_ECOC class
aggregating.cpp [code]
aggregating.h [code]Declare Aggregating class
bagging.cpp [code]
bagging.h [code]Declare Bagging class
boosting.cpp [code]
boosting.h [code]Declare Boosting (AnyBoost) class
cascade.cpp [code]
cascade.h [code]Declare Cascade class
cgboost.cpp [code]
cgboost.h [code]Declare CGBoost class
cost.h [code]Cost functions (functors) used in learning
datafeeder.cpp [code]
datafeeder.h [code]Declare DataFeeder class
dataset.h [code]Class template dataset for wrapping a vector of input-output pairs
feedforwardnn.cpp [code]
feedforwardnn.h [code]Feed-forward neural network
kernel.h [code]Kernels for SVM etc
learnmodel.cpp [code]
learnmodel.h [code]Type definitions, DataSet, and LearnModel class
lpboost.cpp [code]
lpboost.h [code]Declare LPBoost class
mgnboost.cpp [code]
mgnboost.h [code]Declare MgnBoost class
multiclass_ecoc.cpp [code]
multiclass_ecoc.h [code]Declare MultiClass_ECOC (Multiclass classification with Error-Correcting Output Code) class
nnlayer.cpp [code]
nnlayer.h [code]Neural network layer NNLayer
object.cpp [code]
object.h [code]Object class, _register_creator, and other common types
optimize.h [code]Some generic optimization algorithms
perceptron.cpp [code]
perceptron.h [code]Perceptron class
pulse.cpp [code]
pulse.h [code]Pulse function class
quickfun.c [code]
quickfun.h [code]
random.c [code]
random.h [code]
shared_ptr.h [code]Shared pointers with reference count
stump.cpp [code]
stump.h [code]Decision stump class
svm.cpp [code]
svm.h [code]A LEMGA interface to LIBSVM
utility.h [code]Some utility functions
vectorop.h [code]Add basic arithmetic support to vector

Generated on Mon Jan 9 23:43:23 2006 for LEMGA by  doxygen 1.4.6